Friday, October 15, 2010

There is no focal length of the eye, yet also seemed to see through this world like absences.

There is no focal length of the eye, yet also seemed to see through this world like absences. sometimes soft and sometimes cold, sometimes lively and funny and sometimes silent and wizard-like man-Nagi ~ to see this man that I believe that this world really Yes, to people following this position so funny, I feel like a pregnant woman ~) .a person what kind of work, what sexual orientation, will not affect my personal favorite ~ because this is a very simple like it ~ fact, apart from character Herve Leger smile outside, I value a person's hair, this sounds a bit weird ~ I like the hair soft, flexible, feel good, smell the smell of ~ do not like the amount of oil, hair spray, nor is it very short prefer to look cool, interesting people ~ ..gods of war: the driving force behind the new enterprise platform .Central Business Review, [July 2010 the total number s 27] Chun-Yan Zhang .Articles senior editor .2010-7-14 Internet platform for enterprise will dominate the future of the monster that is bound to write new business history.

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